Classification Of Farm Animal Diseases | Symptoms, Mode of transmission, prevention and treatment


Classification Of Farm Animal Disease

Farm animal diseases is an abnormality in the functioning of the tissues, organs or systems of an animal body. This maybe an abnormality in it reproduction, in it weight, in it feeding etc

Farm animal disease

Farm animal diseases are majorly classified into six.

Although some certain issues may lowered the health of farm animals, but the diseases of farm animal are majorly classified into six.

These are;

  • Bacterial disease
  • viral disease 
  • fungi disease
  • protozoa disease 
  • worms

Bacteria disease  is caused by bacterial infection.  They are pathogenic in nature .

What are pathogenic bacteria?

They are bacterial that are harmful to the body of farm animal, and generally every animal.

When bacteria (pathogenic) get into the body of farm animal they reproduce quickly and they  release toxins that damage the body of animal and causes infection. 

One of the examples of a deadly bacteria that occurs in farm animal is Brucellosis

Viral Disease 

This type of diseases are caused by viruses. An example of viral disease of livestock is the Newcastle disease. This disease normally affect poultry animals on their foot and mouth.

Fungal Disease 

These are caused by fungus infection such as  ringworm. Fungal disease are associated with the skin of animal causing itching, rashes, irrigation etc.

Protozoa Disease 

This type of disease are caused by protozoa, examples of this classification of disease is the trypanosoma and Coccidiosis. When an animal has this type of disease, such animal will experience weight loss, paleness, diarrhea .


You've probably heard of worm before.

Not all worms are dangerous, but there are ones that are parasitic.  You might have come across a thin animal before thinking it's thin because such animal is not fed well, this may not be actually true, it may be as a result of worms.

Hook worm and round worm are most common type of parasitic worms, they live in the intestine of animal , multiplies through reproduction.  If this continues on and on, it may lead to death of an animal.

 Symptoms Of Farm Animal Disease

 These are some of the symptoms of farm animal disease you need be cognisant of;

  • unsual wounds on the foot and mouth of animal 
  • high fever 
  • coughing and sneezing 
  • difficulty in breathing 
  • paralysis of legs 
  • loss of appetite 
  • loss of weight 
  • reduction in production 
  • infertility in male 
  • reduction in egg production by female animal
  • Changes in hair colour
  • Unusual weakness
  • stools associated with blood (especially in poultry animal) 
If you notice an unusual change in the body of your animal, call for the help of a vet doctor 

Mode of transmission of farm animal disease 

  • Having contact with infected animals
  • Through contaminated water or foods 
  • contact with contaminated equipment such as feeders and drinkers 
  • disease can also be transmitted to an uninfected animal by blood sucking animals such as tsetse fly.
If such tsetse fly is infected, and it successful bite an animal it can cause disease in such an animal.

Effects Of Diseases On Farm Animal 

low production 

This means and animals will not produce very well for example, if a female animal is producing or give birth to triplets before as time goes on she may lose that ability.

Even in terms of egg and milk production.

Animals that are raised for meat purpose will have a reduced percentage due to the effects of diseases.

Abortion In Certain Animals 

diseases in farm animal may lead to miscarriage, how? The foetus in the womb of an animal depends on the health of the mother, a deterioration in the health of the mother may lead to the abortion of the foetus.

loss of weight 

An animal that is affected by disease cannot weigh as before. for example if an animal weighs 50 kg and it's contact a disease, whether through blood sucking parasites or otherwise, if such animal is not taken care of and it  continue so, such animal weight will reduce from 50 kg to 40, 30 and downwardly. 

Loss Of Appetite 

Ever come across an animal that could not eat? This This is probably due to a disease. When an animal could not eat, am sure you know what follows. 

Irregular Breathing 

Such animal will not be able to breath as before due to the infection of the disease. If not properly taken of, it may lead to the death of such animal, since every living thing needs air to survive.


This is is when the disease now finally kill the animal when such  animal is not given treatment or properly taken care of.

Method of prevention and control of farm animal disease 

the following include with the control of farm animal disease;

  • vaccinating animal to prevent the disease 
  • isolation of infected animals from the healthy ones 
  • cleaning and sanitizing their feeding and drinking trough, and other equipment before and  after use
  • The use of recommended drugs by a vet doctor to prevent or stop the outbreak of a disease
  • Providing animals with quality feeds

The outbreak of a disease in the farm is as a results of one infected animal amidst uninfected animal. If you notice any unusual change (s) in an animal, be quick to isolate such animal from the other animals, and sanitize their feeding and drinking trough and also the place of their abode.

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