Artisanal fisheries - What you should know


Artisanal Fisheries Meaning

They are the low-level fish production which make use of low technology, small fishing vessel such as cannoe, and they do not make use of modern fishing gears.

Globally, hundreds of millions of people around the world depends on artisanal fishermen to survive.  Despite that they are the low type of fish production in the fishing sector they are critically important in the provisions of jobs, alleviation of poverty, and food security.

In a developing country like Nigeria, a higher percentage of fisheries production are artisanal

Artisanal fishing gear

What are the fishing gears used by the artisanal fishermen

  • Cannoe 
  • Trawlers 
  • Net 
  • Trap
  • Spear 
  • Basket 
  • Cutlass 

What are the characteristics of artisanal fisheries 

  • fishes are produce mainly for local consumption.
  • They make use of traditional fishing techniques
  • They are low capital fishing practice
  •  They can only fish below 20  nautical miles
  • They don't need licence to fish 

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