Fish preservation

Fish Preservation| agro locality

 Fish is a perishable food, if it shelf life is to be extended, and if it is to be prevented from diseases, then preservation is crucial.

Fish spoils as result of microorganisms. Microorganism act on fish due to the water content in it, so preservation is the removal of this water content out of it.

For this to be possible, there are various methods used in the preservation of fish, these methods may be used individually, or combined, depending on the result to be achieved.

Methods of fish preservation

The goal of these methods is to remove excess water by the action of heat, radiation, and otherwise.

Smoking as a method of fish preservation

This method of fish preservation is the application of heat and fume . This method can be achieved by the use of firewood, charcoal or oven(whether concrete or electrical).

Fish(es) are placed in an holed net , and placed some centimeters away above the burning firewood, burning coal or oven.

Refrigerating or freezing as a method of fish preservation

This method does not remove the water content of fish , rather it make it unavailable for microorganisms to act on it.

 Since spoilage is as a result of moisture content availability, instead of the removal of it, it's made unavailable for microorganisms by lowering the the temperature of the fish using a refrigerator/freezer, or otherwise.

Salting as a method of fish preservation

Unlike freezing and smoking, salting is a bit different, the temperature of fish is not controlled, water content is not removed, but the state of the fish is chemically controlled by the action of salt. 

Salt a chemical substance, contained an equal number of sodium and chlorine atoms, make it impossible for microorganisms to act on a fish when it(salt) is sprinkled on it, and this is because when salt is added , it lowers the PH value of fish, and microorganisms can not do well at a PH range of 4.5 or less.

Sun Drying as a method of fish preservation

This method of fish preservation is the use of the radiation of the sun to inactivate the activities of microorganisms in fish that may lead to spoilage or decay. 

Fish(es) are exposed to an opened space where the radiation of the sun can get in contact with it.

Canning As A Method Of Fish Preservation

This method is quite different from the fore mentioned methods. It is used to counter the spoilage or decaying of fish by adding certain chemicals (harmless), and fish(es) are processed and canned.

This method is normally an industrial method, the canned fish can be cooked with other foods or cooked alone. 

It's advisable to keep this canned fish at a room temperature, away from sunlight, and heat.

Aims of preservation of fish

Why do we need to preserve fish? is fish preservation really that important? Yes, it is.

Below are some of the aims of fish preservation.

To make fish available throughout the year

The capturing of fish in a large quantity is not always consistence, but fortunately, when a large quantity is captured, to prevent spoilage, it may either be smoked, freezed, or otherwise, to make it available when needed throughout the year.

To prevent fish(es) from spoiling or decaying

Fish as a perishable food, with a low shelf life, if not preserved, spoilage is inevitable.

For an example, a fish may be caught wounded, and bleeding, if not preserved, the wound wil speed up the rate of spoilage.

To retain the nutrient value of fish

We eat for nutrients, if the nutrients present in a food is lost , Such food has become junk. 

One of the main purpose of fish preservation is to retain it nutrients.

To increase farmers income

A preserved large quantity of fish can be imported , if the fish farmer is fortunate, if the farmer always capture fish in large quantity, then the farmer can preserved them for sale at other time.

To make fish fill for marketing

If fish(es) are available in different forms( i.e smoked, freezed, canned, and dried), this will satisfy and meet the want of the market. 

It will meet the biasness of consumers.

To prevent losses 

If fish(es) captured in large quantity are not preserved, what will happen? of course, it will spoil or decay, causing loss and drop in income,and save fish farmers from several headaches.

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