Fishes are poikilothermic animal(I.e they are cold blooded animals, they can not control their body

Classification Of Fish | Types and Their characteristics
Elementry Classification of fish is usually on basis of habitat. There are two main types of habitant in which fishes can be found, and these include;
- Fresh Water Fishes
- Salt Water Fishes
Fresh Water Fishes

Salt Water Fishes

Bony Fishes
These are type of fishes that posses a bony skeleton or hard bone.
There 30,000 species of this fish around the world, most of which belonged to to finned group of fish.
They are further classify into ray finned fishes and lobe finned fishes
The ray finned fishes posses a thin, flexible skeleton, why The lobe finned fishes posses muscular fins which are supported by bones.
Fishes classified under this category are; tilipia, mud fish, trout, bass, salmon, perch, cat fish,
herring, cod fish, guppy etc.
Characteristics of bony Fishes
- They have paired fins
- They have jaws
- Their Gill arches support their gills and are protected by the operculum
- They possess more or less skeleton
Cartilaginous Fishes
These type of fish posses soft bone, or bones composed of cartilage.
There are about 600 species of this type of fish
Majority of this of type of fishes are found in the sea, sea been a salt water. these type of fishes includes; sharks, salmon, dolphin, dog fish, skates, ray etc.

Jawless Fish
As there name implies, they are fishes which lacked jaw.
Unlike bony fishes, they lacked paired fins, they possess circular tooth and internal skeleton organ. This type of fishes are of two major groups; Hag fish and lampreys
Characteristics of Jawless Fish
- They have two or more niches
- They lack jaw
- They do not have stomach in their digestive system.