Classification of plants

Classification of plants

 Classification of plants 

Plants are generally classified based on three major criteria

These are:

  • Botanical classification 
  • Agricultural classification 
  • Classification based on life cycle 

Botanical classification of plants

Plants are generally classified through the botanical method and the use of binomial system.

Agricultural classification of plants

This type of classification of plants is based on the uses of the plants.

In this type of classification, plant or crop are grouped into the following categories based on their uses.

Cereal plants: These plants belong to the Grass family and they provide carbohydrates, e.g maize, wheat, oats, barley , rice etc 

Pulses: pulses are crops which are source of protein when consumed e.g beans, cowpea, groundnut, soyabean

Vegetable crops: vegetable crops are source of vitamins and minerals when consumed, e.g spinach, okra, tomatoes, lettuce etc .


Fibre crops: These crop plants are used for making clothing materials, bags, ropes etc. examples of these type of crop plants are cotton, sisal , hibiscus.

Roots and tuber crops: These crop produced tuber below the ground and they are source of carbohydrates. E.g yam, cassava, sweet potato etc

 Spices: These crop plants provide vitamins and minerals when consumed, e.g onion, pepper, ginger , garlic etc

Fruit plants: These plants provide vitamins, and minerals when eaten, e.g cashew, mango, pineapple, pawpaw, guava, etc

Oil plants: These plants can provide oil when processed, industrial and domestical

e.g oil palm, coconut, soyabean, melon etc.

Beverage plants: These crop plants provide food drinks when processed into finished product.

examples of these type of crop plants are; coffee, Cocoa, Kola etc

Latex crops: These are crops which provide some white, sticky liquid called latex, which is used in plastic industry, e.g rubber.

Classification of plants based on life cycle

Plants are grouped into three categories based on their life cycle or their life span 

Annual plants: They're plants that complete their lifecycle in one season, in other words, they they grow, mature, produces fruits and die within a year.

Examples of this type of plants are; rice, vegetables, millet, cowpea etc

Biennial plants: These type of complete their lifecycle within two years. They develop their vegetative parts during the first year, and produce fruits and die during the second year. 

Examples of biennial plants are; ginger, pepper, carrot etc.

Perennial plants: in these type of plants, they grow, mature, and produce fruits for more than two years, they can live for three , five, ten, and even more years.

Examples of these plants are; mango , Cocoa, oil palm, banana etc

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