Ecology: concept, and ecosystem

agro locality

Basic Ecology System

Plants and Animals are dependent on their surrounding. If living organisms are to remain alive, grow and reproduce, they need things such as water, food , air, sunlight and other related factors.

The word Ecology was derived from the Greek word "oikos" which means "Home or Dwelling place" 
 Odum(1963) defines ecology as the study of the structure ad function of nature.
An organisms relies on it surroundings for all it needs, and is likely to be much affected by conditions around it.
Any plant or animal, wherever it lives, is affected by other plants and animals around it, by non-living features.

Ecology is often described as environmental biology.

In general, Ecology is the study of plants and Animals in relation to their environment, it deals With the relationship of living organisms with one another and with the environment in which they live.

Ecology is is divided into two main branches;

Synecology: This is the branch of ecology that deals with the interrelationship between species or group of organisms in an area . For example, the study of organisms on the land in relation to their terrestrial environment.

Autecology: This branch of ecology deals with a single species of organisms living together. For example, the study of a single bird and it environment.

Forest:  agro locality

There are some important terms  of Ecology commonly used in ecology. Some of these terms are;

Lithosphere: The solid portion of the earth, representing 30% of the earth surface, and it forms the basis of all human settlement.

Environment: This is the external and internal, living and non-living factors that affect an organism.

Habitat: An environment where an organism live naturally i.e Aquatic or terrestrial habitat.

Hydrosphere: The liquid part of the earth, covering 70% of the earth crust.

Atmosphere: The gaseous part of the earth, containing 21% of oxygen, 78% of nitrogen, 0.03% of carbon dioxide, and 0.97% of inert or rear gas.

Biosphere: This is the zone of the earth occupied by living organisms.

Niche: The certain portion of an habitat which is occupied by specific organisms.


This is the community of plants and animals interacting together with their non-living environment.

The concept of ecosystem was first put forth by Tansley (1935). It's made up of two main components;
  • Abiotic Component 
  • Biotic Component

Abiotic Component: Abiotic Component includes the non-living things in an ecosystem, this includes; 

  • Climatic Factors (rainfall , light, humidity, wind etc)
  • Edaphic Factors ( soil, rock, etc), and other factors.

Biotic factors: This includes all living organisms present in the environmental system, and it is grouped into; 
  • Autotrophic component
  • Heterotrophic component.

Autotrophic component: These are all green plants which manufactured their food from inorganic substances.

Heterotrophic component: These includes non-green plants and all animals which feed directly in autotrophs.

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